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Following Procedurally Taxing

Posted on Oct. 29, 2013

Thanks again for coming to  Procedurally Taxing.  The Blog attempts to post nearly daily at this point, with a minimum of multiple posts per week.  You can periodically stop by the Blog to see that content.  You can also follow us on Twitter @ProcedurallyTaxing or join the Procedurally Taxing Group on LinkedIn.  In addition, there are links to each of those, and to our RSS feed, on the top right hand side of the main Blog page.  You will also find a spot to sign up for our email list on the top right hand corner of the main page.

As I’ve stated before, we hope to inform and entertain with the Blog, but we would also love to start discussions with other people interested in the various tax topics we touch on.  There is a comment section under every Blog post.  Please add your comments, insight, questions, anecdotes, etc. Les, Keith and I will be monitoring the comment section, and will try to respond where appropriate.  For those reading the Blog, I would suggest you also look to the comments.  We are not endorsing the positions of any commenters, but overall the vast majority of our published comments come from other knowledgeable practitioners who can add insight and context

Thanks, and we hope you enjoy the Blog!

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