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Upcoming Symposia on Tax Administration

Posted on Mar. 26, 2015

There are some interesting tax administration symposia coming up. I will briefly describe two of them.

Tomorrow the University of Minnesota School of Law is hosting a conference on reforming the IRS. Top academics in the area such as Professors Kristin Hickman, Steve Johnson and Leandra Lederman are delivering papers; other participants include prior PT guest posters such as Professors Andy Grewal and Chris Walker. NTA Nina Olson is delivering a keynote speech that seems fascinating (looking at recent research linking trust and compliance). We will link to papers as they become available.

On Friday April 24 Deena Ackerman at Treasury and I are co-organizing an American Tax Policy Institute conference called Delivering Benefits to Low-Income Taxpayers Through the Tax System. The conference is an all day-event and will be held at Skadden’s DC office. The ATPI conference has an international as well as domestic focus, and will bring together academics, government officials from here and abroad and other policy makers to discuss creative approaches for better delivery of benefits. Prior PT guest posters Dave Williams and Bryan Camp and many others will be among the presenters. Stay tuned for more on this.

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